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Koki Nakamura


中村滉己 Koki Nakamura


Tsugaru Shamisen・Minyo(Traditional folk music)

He was born and raised in a family of min'yo singers: his great-uncle was the Tsugaru min'yo master Nakamura Takashi, his grandfather was his younger brother Nakamura Yuri, and his mother was Nakamura Yumi, who won the Prime Minister's Prize at the National Min'yo Competition.

At the age of one, he made his stage debut singing 'Tosa no Sunayama (Thirteen Sand Mountains' at a Yurikai charity minyo recital organised by his grandfather Yuri Nakamura, and at the age of two he began playing with a toy shamisen from his grandfather's house, and soon afterwards began to enjoy the real shamisen. The first song he played was 'Tsugaru sangari', one of the five major Tsugaru folk songs and one of the most difficult. 

From an early age he learnt to play the shamisen at his grandfather's house and practised 'utatsuke', the accompaniment to folk songs, and from the age of eight he studied the Tsugaru shamisen under Nakamura Takashi 2nd.

He went on to win the 6th All-Japan Tsugaru Shamisen Competition in Nagoya in the primary schools division, the 16th National Tsugaru Shamisen Competition in the primary schools division, and the 7th Tsugaru Shamisen Japan No.1 Championship in the junior division, winning all three in succession.

In his third year of junior high school, he was twice the youngest player ever to win the 12th Tsugaru Shamisen Japan No.1 Championship, Japan No.1 Division (highest individual division) and the 12th All Japan Tsugaru Shamisen Competition Nagoya, General Division A Class (highest individual division). (14 years old at the time).

In 2022, he won the 40th Anniversary Tsugaru Shamisen World Competition, Individual Class A (highest individual division) for the first time.

Currently, he is widely active not only as a Tsugaru shamisen player but also as one of the few male folk singers, actively participating in national competitions and winning numerous awards.

While continuing the tradition spun by the masters of the Tsugaru shamisen world, he is actively pursuing the possibilities of the Tsugaru shamisen through fusion with various musical fields throughout the country and online on YouTube and SNS.

In 2023, he released 2 digital EPs from Nippon Columbia and his debut CD album is scheduled for release in May 2024.







その後、第6回全日本津軽三味線 競技会名古屋大会小学生の部、第16回津軽三味線コンクール全国大会小学生の部、第7回津軽三味線日本一決定戦ジュニアの部、全て優勝し、三連覇を達成した。




2022年、第40回 津軽三味線世界大会 個人A級(最高峰部門)初出場で優勝。







2012年 第6回 全日本津軽三味線競技会 名古屋大会 小学生の部 優勝

2013年 第16回 津軽三味線コンクール 全国大会 小学生の部 優勝

2013年 第7回 津軽三味線日本一決定戦 ジュニアの部 優勝

2018年 第12回 津軽三味線日本一決定戦 日本一の部 優勝

2018年 第12回 全日本津軽三味線競技会 名古屋大会 一般の部Aクラス 優勝

2022年 羽生結弦 アイスショー 「プロローグ」横浜公演 & 八戸公演出演

2022年 第40回 津軽三味線世界大会 個人A級 優勝

2023年 第20回 全国津軽三味線コンクール 大阪大会 大賞の部 優勝

Koki Nakamura
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