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Koki Nakamura


中村滉己 Koki Nakamura

Tsugaru Shamisen・Minyo(traditional Japanese folk music)

Born into a family of minyo (traditional Japanese folk music) performers, Koki Nakamura is a young master who won the World Tsugaru Shamisen Championship. He updates and remakes traditional minyo from all over Japan to fit the current era, sharing his work with the world. 

While inheriting the traditions spun by past masters, he explores the possibilities of Tsugaru Shamisen and minyo through fusion with various musical genres.


Koki was born and raised in a family of minyo musicians: his great-uncle, Takashi Nakamura I, was a master of Tsugaru minyo; his grandfather, Yuri Nakamura, is Takashi's younger brother; and his mother, Yumi Nakamura, won the Prime Minister's Award at the National Minyo and Folk Dance Competition.

At the age of one, Koki made his stage debut singing "Jusannin no Sunayama" at the charity minyo recital organized by his grandfather, Yuri Nakamura. At the age of two, he began playing with a toy shamisen at his grandfather's house and soon started playing a real shamisen.

From a young age, Koki received shamisen lessons from his grandfather and practiced the "Uta-tsuke," the accompaniment for minyo. At the age of eight, he began studying Tsugaru Shamisen under Takashi Nakamura II.

He achieved three consecutive victories in the Elementary School Division of the 6th All Japan Tsugaru Shamisen Competition Nagoya Tournament, the 16th Tsugaru Shamisen Competition National Tournament, and the Junior Division of the 7th Tsugaru Shamisen Japan Championship.

In his third year of junior high school (age 14), he accomplished the unprecedented feat of becoming the youngest ever champion in both the Japan Division of the 12th Tsugaru Shamisen Japan Championship and the General Division A Class (the highest individual category) of the 12th All Japan Tsugaru Shamisen Competition Nagoya Tournament.






1歳の頃、祖父中村優利が主宰する優利会チャリティー民謡発表会で「十三の砂山」を唄 い初舞台を踏む。2 歳の頃、祖父の自宅に置いてあったおもちゃの三味線で遊ぶようになり、その後すぐに本物の三味線を嗜むようになった。



中学3年時(当時14歳)には、第12回津軽三味線日本一決定戦日本一の部(個人最高峰部部門)、第12回全日本津軽三味線競技会名古屋大会一般の部 A クラス(個人最高峰部門)で、二度の史上最年少日本一の快挙を成し遂げた。



2018年 第12回 津軽三味線日本一決定戦 日本一の部 優勝
2022年 羽生結弦 アイスショー 「プロローグ」横浜公演 & 八戸公演出演
2022年 第40回 津軽三味線世界大会 個人A級 優勝
2023年 第20回 全国津軽三味線コンクール 大阪大会 大賞の部 優勝



Koki Nakamura
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